September 8, 2011, Member’s Slide Shows, by Flatirons Photo Club Members

Mark your calendar for this program of eight slide shows presented by members of Flatirons Photo Club. Signed up to present digital slide shows are: Chris Bales, Charlie Anderson, Cary Wolfson, Jim Downs, Thomas Walsh, Richard Holmes, Maria Rosa Fuste’, and one person yet to be announced. Each presenter will have a maximum of 10 min. allocated for their themed slide show. This will include the introduction, the slide show, and questions and answers at the end. It is always exciting to see the varied work produced by the club’s members.

Advanced, competitively priced technologies expected to ship this year.

At the last meeting of the Digital Study Group, Chris Bales shared some info about a couple of advanced technologies on the commercial horizon.

The first is a new type of screen developed by Nanosys called Quantum Dot Enhanced Film. Robert Scoble maintains that “When Nanosys starts shipping its screen technology later this year our lives will change forever.” The screen supposedly looks higher resolution than, for example, the current iPad display and has far better color rendition. In addition, it will not require more power or cost more than current screens. Text and a video can be seen here:

The second is a commercially priced light field camera which provides a photographer the “ability to focus on any depth of field within a taken photo, observe a 3D-type effect even without specs, and boost images taken in extremely low light.” For text and video, take a look here:

Both products should start shipping this year.

Thomas Walsh, Flatirons Photo Club President


June Competition Results

Boulder open space shoot

The field trip to Boulder’s Open Space is on for this Sunday, June 5, starting at 8:30 AM. We will meet by the ranger’s station in Chautauqua Park and Margie Robinson will lead us to areas with particularly good wildflowers. The weather forecast is excellent, so this should be a wonderful opportunity for a nature shoot.

Hope to see many of you there.

Thomas Walsh, Flatirons Photo Club President

June 9, 2011 Program – “Optical Extractions”, Jim Digby

The speaker this month is Jim Digby from Loveland, CO. His program titled Optical Extractions is designed to show how to get the most out of any given image. His program will feature an illustrated tour of his photographic methods, techniques and philosophy, as well as mentions of his mentors and heroes. Jim does not specialize in any given subject matter or genre of photography. His philosophy is that almost anything in the right light becomes interesting. You will see every thing from flowers to old buildings and maybe an abstract or two utilizing the latest digital editing and post processing techniques.

May Competition Results

Denver Botanic Gardens field trip Sunday, June 12

Connie Redak has organized a field trip to the Denver Botanic Gardens to take place on Sunday, June 12. The gardens open at 9 AM, so we will meet at the entry gate at 1007 York St. at that time. Admission for non-members is $12.50 for adults, $9.50 for seniors (65+). If there are 10 or more of us, we will be charged a reduced, group fee of $10.50 for adults, $8.00 for seniors. Whoever is there at 9 AM will be part of the entry group.

As Connie notes, there is a conservatory as well as many opportunities outdoors even in rain or fog, so she will be there rain or shine, as I expect to be. In addition, it’s worth knowing that the garden has a very nice cafe with good food and beverages.

Hope to see many of you there. And many thanks to Connie for organizing this.

Thomas Walsh, Flatirons Photo Club President


Open space shoot on May 15, 2011

As announced at the last general meeting of Flatirons Photo Club, Margie Robinson will be leading a shoot in Boulder’s open space. She has decided on Sunday, May 15. We will meet at Chautauqua at 8:30 AM, because by 9:00 the parking is already out on the street. Prior to then, she will wander around and see where the best flowers are. She is planning on the group shoot ending at 11:00, though people will of course be free to stay on their own.

Many thanks to Margie for agreeing to do this. I hope to see lots of you there, the flowers in the open space are wonderful at that time of year.

Thomas Walsh, Flatirons Photo Club President

April Competition Results

May 12, 2011 Program, “Images From The Soul”, Jeff Johnson

Jeff Johnson presents “Images From The Soul”.  Many times photographers look at photographs in a fine art gallery and walk away thinking they will never be able to create images like that. So not true! “Images From The Soul” was designed to show you how I create my unique signature fine art pieces. This short program will include a before and after presentation of my imagery that will quickly show you how you too can create works of art. I will then talk about a select few images and how they were created. Bring your questions and an open-mind. Please enjoy my imagery at

Having been a professional photographer for over 33 years Jeff has earned the PPA Degrees of Master of Photography, Photographic Craftsman and Certified Professional Photographer. Jeff has also been honored with three Fellowship Degrees from the Professional Photographers of Colorado. He was named Master Photographer of the Year in 2006, 2010 & 2011. He received the prestigious PPA National Award in 2011 for his continuous contribution and service to the photography industry. Jeff has also been honored by several Loan Collection selections thru PPA.