March Competition Results

Butterfly Pavilion Field Trip

Our club is having a field trip to the Butterfly Pavilion on March 19. We will be attending the tripod photography session which starts 1.5 hours before general admission. This is a members only event.

February Competition Results

April 14, 2011 Program – Painting with Light, Scott Carlin

Scott Carlin will present a program on night photography and painting with light, with an emphasis on experimentation and the evolution of the creative path, as well as some tips, tools, and techniques for light painting and shooting in remote locations at night.

Scott has been a life-long artist, and channels his knowledge of different creative disciplines into his black and white photography, to create images that convey a vast range of feeling, from the whimsical, to the beautifully mysterious, to the downright eerie.

Scott has a solo show opening April 1st at Anthology Fine Art Gallery in the Santa Fe Arts District in Denver. His work is collected and exhibited locally, nationally, and internationally, and has been published in B&W Magazine, CameraArts, Annahar Newspaper (Beirut), and published on websites such as and To view some of Scott’s images visit his gallery at:

March 10, 2011 Program – Creative Photography of Italy, Jim DeLutes

Jim DeLutes will present a program on how traveling to Italy resulted in some very creative images. Jim is a long time professional photographer who has participated in numerous art shows over the years. He was recently a featured photographer in Photoshop User Magazine. This year his photographic images have appeared in three separate issues of Color Magazine. He has developed techniques to create interesting photographs of what might otherwise be considered ordinary subjects. To see some of his work visit his web site at

January Competition Results

February 10, 2011 Program – From Photo to Graphic Art, Lesa Snider

February 10, 2011 Program: From Photo to Graphic Art, by Lesa Snider. In this presentation you’ll learn how to create beautiful partial color effects, darkened edge vignettes, and more using Photoshop. You’ll also learn how to push a photo through literally anything (including text), as well as how to use CS5’s new Refine Edge enhancements to create interesting photo edges. Lesa presented a more detailed version of this at Photoshop World and will describe her techniques with examples of her work. Lesa is the author of Photoshop CS5: The Missing Manual. She is the creator of several videos on the use of Photoshop, and offers seminars sponsored in part by Mike’s Camera which will be presented in Denver and Boulder in late January and February 2011. Here is a link – Lesa is giving the first 4 seminars on this list