2011 Year-End Competition Results

Field trip to Denver Botanic Gardens’ Blossoms of Light Exhibit

Thomas Walsh is organizing a photo shoot of the Denver Botanic Gardens’ Blossoms of Light Exhibit. We will meet tomorrow evening, Tuesday, Dec. 13, at 6:30 at the 1007 York Street entrance. Tickets can be purchased at the entrance or online at http://www.botanicgardens.org. Non-member tickets may also be purchased at any King Soopers TicketsWest location.

For map and directions, see http://calendar.botanicgardens.org/venue/detail/denver-botanic-gardens.

For photo guidelines see http://www.botanicgardens.org/content/photo-policy.

I hope to see a number of you there. I went last year and had a great time.

November Competition Results

October Competition Results

September Competition Results

8 December, 2011, Annual Year End Members’ Competition

The last meeting of 2011 is the annual year end members’ competition. Check out the club web site for the categories and entry rules. http://www.flatironsphotoclub.com/competitions/year-end-competition Members are requested to bring a goodie to share to celebrate the holiday season and another successful year of the Flatirons Photo Club.

Our President, Thomas Walsh, has arranged for a 3 judge panel to judge the year end competition. This year the judges will be Mark Allison (wedding, glamour, portrait photographer), Russ Croop (digital artist), Glenn Randall (landscape nature photographer). At the year end competition 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place ribbons are awarded in each of 5 categories – 1) Digital Realism),  2) Color Print Realism, 3) Digital Special Effects, 4) Print Special Effects, and 5) Print B&W-Monochrome. Honorable Mention ribbons are awarded as the judges see fit.

10 November 2011, Creative Photography, Kelly McCormack

Kelly McCormack will present a program on the techniques and processes used in creative photography. Kelly McCormack is an artist, web designer, and teacher (independent Adobe Certified Instructor, instructor at Boulder Digital Arts and RealEyes Connect, adjunct faculty member at the Art Institute of Colorado). From Chicago, Kelly earned an undergraduate degree in Fine Art at the University of Wisconsin – Madison in 1997. Kelly now resides in Boulder, Colorado, with his wife Alexa. To be inspired have a look at some of Kelly’s creative work at http://art.kellymccormack.com/index.html

13 October 2011, Designing Nature Photographs

We are excited to have local professional photographer and author Nat
Coalson as our speaker for the October meeting. Nat was one of our
judges at the year end competition in 2010. Nat will discuss methods
for effective photographic design and techniques for creating
compelling photographs in the outdoors. He is the author of four
photography-related books including “Nature Photography Photo
Workshop” and “Lightroom: Streamlining your Digital Photography
Process” published by Wiley. (Nat will have copies of his Nature
Photography books available for purchase at the discounted price of
$20.) Nat is a also a top-rated instructor and offers photo workshops,
tours and classes. Check out his web site at
http://www.natcoalson.com/.  We look forward to hearing about the
creative process he uses to achieve his outstanding images!