November 2016 Competition Results

The judge was Catherine Karnow. The special topic was Fall Colors.

Catherine Karnow is presenter at Nov. 10 meeting

National Geographic photographer Catherine Karnow will talk about people and portrait photography at the Flatirons Photo Club monthly meeting and competition at 7 p.m. this Thursday, Nov. 10, at Har HaShem, 3950 Baseline Road.
Karnow also is offering a one-day workshop on Saturday, Nov. 12, while she is in town.
Karnow, who is based in San Francisco but was born and raised in Hong Kong, has covered Australian Aborigines; Bombay  film stars; victims of Agent Orange in Vietnam; Russian Old Believers in Alaska; Greenwich, Connecticut, high society; and an Albanian farm family.
Her work appears in National Geographic, National Geographic Traveler, Smithsonian, French & German GEO and other interna- tional publications.
Her workshop will include shooting on location in downtown Boulder and then discussion and more in a classroom.
The emphasis will be on people photos — the same emphasis that she will be talking about at the club meeting. Shooting locations will include the Farmers Market and Pearl Street.
The workshop schedule is:
8:00  Meet at Madelife Studio, 2000 21st St, Boulder, CO 80302
8:00 – 9:30  Catherine gives an educational presentation of her images made on assignment for National Geographic
10:00 – 12:00  Shoot Farmers Market
12:00 – 1:00  Lunch, Boulder Dushanbe Teahouse (
1:30 – 3:00  Shoot Pearl Street
3:30 – 5:30 Download and Critique, Madelife Studio, 2000 21st St, Boulder, CO 80302
6:00   Workshop ends
For more information and registration, click on this link:

Boulder Digital Arts Photography Opening “Realism, Surrealism, and Atmosphere”

As part of its ongoing series of art displays, Boulder Digital Arts will host an opening and reception for “Realism, Surrealism, and Atmosphere” on Friday, November 4 from 5-8 p.m. The exhibition features the photography of three members of Flatirons Photo Club: Donna Colville, Preston Newell and Ginger Zukowski. Please join us for the Gallery Opening & Reception on Friday, November 4th from 5-8 pm.

Donna Colville has been primarily influenced by the Impressionist painters Degas and Cezanne, and the California Impressionists. She has studied with a number of artists and photographers including John Fielder and Mark Johnson. Her formal art education includes college instruction in art history, theater set and costume design. In photography, she generally works with simple compositions and strong color. Recently, Donna has begun to focus on black and white photography by revisiting earlier images as well as creating new images using only black and white development. Donna displays both her black and white and her color artistry in this show.

Preston Newell is a producer of documentaries for Longmont’s Public Access TV Station, Channel 8. He is currently creating a film series called “Behind Closed Doors” which features artists in their studios. Preston began his photography with a Kodak Brownie and later with a Polaroid in high school. He graduated to Canon and Minolta SLR cameras in college, and began to use DSLR Nikons soon after they became available. Since his retirement from the IT world he has passionately pursued photography and has won 1st & 2nd place awards at the Colorado State Fair. Preston is currently a member of NAPP (National Association of Photoshop Professionals), PPA (Professional Photographers of America), and the Nikonians.

Ginger Zukowski’s background includes training in Modern Dance (University of Illinois, Champaign), which provides a vital framework for her more recent venture into the visual arts. She strives to use the key elements of space, light, color, pattern and movement to highlight the unexpected within the ordinary. Through photography, she is able to show the viewer something that eyes cannot see or often overlook, but imaginations can ponder. Over the years, Ginger has learned a great deal from teachers like Nevada Wier and Chris Brown as well as her friends in Flatirons Photo Club.

The opening reception will be held at Boulder Digital Arts, 1600 Range Street, Boulder, CO 80301.

Photographic Frontiers Study Group meeting this Wednesday, November 2

Murth Murthy, Photoshop guru and long time member of Flatirons Photo Group, will deliver the group’s next presentation this Wednesday, November 2.  Murth will focus on questions asked by the meeting’s attendees. If you are wondering how to accomplish anything in Photoshop, Murth is the person to ask, so bring photos and questions. Murth’s presentations are always extremely educational.

The purpose of these meetings is to support each other, so if you have any photos you’d like to present for general, open discussion, please bring one or two on a thumb drive for presentation.

The meeting will be held at Boulder Digital Arts, 1600 Range St., Suite 100, Boulder, from 7 to 9 p.m. this Wednesday, November 2, 2016.

October 2016 Competition Results

The judge was Bob Maynard. The Special Topic was Bicycles

Bob Maynard to talk about new book Oct. 13

Bob Maynard, an award-winning nature photographer whose work is carried by several galleries throughout Colorado and Utah, will talk about his new book, “Ancient Skies Through Ancient Eyes,” during the Flatirons Photo Club’s monthly meeting and competition at 7 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 13, at Har HaShem synagogue, 3950 Baseline Road, Boulder.
His website is called Colorado Plateau Photo Tours and it is located at http://

The Special Topic is Bicycles.

Photographic Frontiers Study Group Meeting

Thomas Walsh, Photographic Frontiers Study Group co-director, will deliver the group’s next presentation this Wednesday, October 5. The talk will focus on recently released post-processing software that provided critical assistance on one difficult shoot and frankly saved Thomas’s butt on another. If you are into portraiture, are considering getting into portraiture, or just want to learn a bit about portraiture, you don’t want to miss this presentation.

The purpose of these meetings is to support each other, so if you have any photos you’d like to present for discussion, please bring one or two on a thumb drive for presentation. And if you have an unprocessed portrait that you’d like developed…

The meeting will be held at Boulder Digital Arts, 1600 Range St., Suite 100, Boulder, from 7 to 9 p.m. this Wednesday, October 5.

Photographic Frontiers Study Group Meeting September 7, 2016

Next Wednesday, September 7, the Photographic Frontiers Study Group will resume its first Wednesday of the month meetings. For this occasion, Ilene Meyers will discuss the process of printing as well as different results obtained by using different papers. In addition, she will present examples of prints made on different papers for us to examine and discuss.
Remember to bring photos that you’d like to talk about and perhaps get suggestions on. One of the major purposes of the study group is, after all, for us to help each other in our quests to create great photographs.
Next Wednesday’s meeting will be held from 7 to 9 p.m. at Boulder Digital Arts, 1600 Range Street, Suite 100, Boulder, CO, 80301

Boulder Digital Arts’ Opening-Reception Friday July 8, 2016

Four photographers, including Flatirons Photo Club members Dan Joder, Rosa Fuste Escude, and Kirk Fry as well as Deb Cochrane are currently Featured Artists at Boulder Digital Arts. They invite you to join them at their opening-reception this Friday, July 8, from 5 to 7 p.m. The event will include food and beverages as well as great conversation and will take place at Boulder Digital Arts, 1600 Range St. Suite 100 (on the northeast corner of Range Street and Arapahoe Avenue), Boulder.