Denver Month of Photography Opening and Sandhill Crane Festival

At last Thursday’s meeting, we discussed a time/date conflict between the Sandhill Crane Festival and the Denver Month of Photograpy opening at Boulder Digital Arts, featuring the work of several members of Flatirons Photo Club. The Denver Month of Photography organization has already announced the opening as taking place on the evening of Friday, March 10, so it is too late to change that date. I hope anyone interested in attending both is able to juggle their schedule. In any case, enjoy whatever you choose to do.

Multimedia producer, photographer Ted Wood is speaker Feb. 9

Ted Wood, an editorial photographer and multimedia producer based in Boulder, will give a talk entitled “Environmental photojournalism in the age of lies and skeptics – what visual storytellers can do to move the needle on climate change awareness” at the Flatirons Photo Club monthly meeting at 7 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 9, at Har HaShem Synagogue in Boulder.
His work has appeared in Vanity Fair, Smithsonian, National Wildlife, The New York Times, Outside, The Nature Conservancy Magazine and dozens of national and international publications.
Wood is the co-founder of The Story Group, a multimedia journalism company based in Boulder that specializes in environmental stories from the western U.S. Wood has produced more than 20 short videos through Story Group productions focusing on climate change effects and other environmental issues.
More information about Wood is in Developments, the club newsletter.

January 2017 competition results

The judge was Russ Croop. The Special Topic was “lines.”

Next Photographic Frontiers Study Group Meeting: Wednesday, February 1

The next meeting of the Photographic Frontiers Study Group will be held in two weeks, Wednesday, February 1. John Kieffer will give a presentation on night photography. The meeting will be held at Boulder Digital Arts, 1600 Range St., Boulder, from 7 to 9 p.m.
John states that he has “fallen in love with night photography of all kinds, not just stars and moons. It’s one subject that often looks much better on your camera’s display or computer screen than to your eye. That’s a pleasant surprise. Today’s cameras make it pretty easy with some basic knowledge — preparation is more like it. Be warned . . . I’m still enthusiastically learning.”
In addition to being Flatirons Photo Club President, John says that he “is a photographer and travel guide here in Boulder. For the past 25 years, his photo career has ranged from commercial and editorial assignments to website design and photo tours. He is the author of 5 books on photography and is under contract to photograph his sixth. This one on Boulder. What fun.”
Remember to bring any photos that you’d like to discuss and/or have critiqued. The purpose of this group is education and mutual support.

iPhone artist Russ Croop is speaker Jan. 12

Russ Croop, an iPhone artist who has creatively advanced the art of the iPhone, will be the featured speaker at the Flatirons Photo Club monthly meeting and competition Thursday, Jan. 12.

Croop is a retired Boulder Valley English, theater and photography teacher who is well-known for his iPhone photo paintings of familiar Boulder scenes. He has been a presenter and judge for the club going back to 2011, and he will be updating us about his latest works.
Croop is a Lafayette resident. He also shoots weddings, portraits (including animals), real estate, products, architecture, landscapes and a variety of other specialties.

To view some of his images and get an idea of the types of images he makes using the iPhone, visit http://www. You can also view his line of greeting cards at shops/russ-croop-photoart.

REMINDER: Digital competition entries are due Sunday, Jan. 8. Email them to [email protected].

Nest Photographic Frontiers Study Group meeting, this Wednesday, January 4

This Wednesday, January 4, John Kieffer will give a presentation on night photography. The meeting will be held at Boulder Digital Arts, 1600 Range St., Boulder, from 7 to 9 p.m.
John has “fallen in love with night photography of all kinds, not just stars and moons. It’s one subject that often looks much better on your camera’s display or computer screen that to your eye. That’s a pleasant surprise. Today’s cameras make it pretty easy with some basic knowledge — preparation is more like it. Be warned . . . I’m still enthusiastically learning.”
In addition to being Flatirons Photo Club President, John states that he “is a photographer and travel guide here in Boulder. For the past 25 years, his photo career has ranged from commercial and editorial assignments to website design and photo tours. He is the author of 5 books on photography and is under contract to photograph his sixth. This one on Boulder. What fun.”

Year-End Competition Results, December 2016

Here are the results of the Flatirons Photo Club 2016 year-end competition.
The judges were: Julie Cardinal, owner of The Darkroom photography gallery in Longmont; Chelsea Farmer of Morrissey and Associates photography in Longmont; and Robert Castellino of Robert Castellino Photography in Boulder.
During the meeting, new officers were elected by acclamation. They are:
President, John Kieffer
Vice President, Ning Mosberger-Tang
Secretary: Bruce Henderson
Congratulations to the new officers!


Russ Dohrmann Best of Show Award goes to Ilene Meyers – for her photo “Meditation.”

Digital Realism (RL)
1 – John Kieffer, “Missed The Sunrise.”
2 – Peter Bandurian, “Abandoned Hope.”
3 – Bruce Henderson, “South African Rhino.”
Honorable Mention – “Ilene Meyers, Meditation.”

Digital Special Effects (SE)
1 – John Kieffer, “Christmas Camp.”
2- Cary Wolfson, “The Portal.”
3 – John Kieffer, “Mesa Arch Starscape.”
Honorable Mention – Cary Wolfson, “Aspen Abstract.”

Print Realism
1. “Rodeo Queens” – Bruce Henderson
2. “Inflation” – Cary Wolfson
3. “Cuban Auto Shop” – Gail Dohrmann
Honorable Mention” – Looking Up – Peter Bandurian

Print Special Effects
1. Gail Dohrmann, “Dahlia Etched in Red.”
2. Bruce Henderson, “The Beginning of Time.”
3. Gail Dohrmann, “Dubrovnik in the Rain.”
Honorable Mention – Cary Wolfson, “Homestead.”

B&W/Monochrome Print
1. Kent Copeland, “Prairie Smoke Portrait.”
2. Kent Copeland, “Crooked Door to the Past.”
3. Bruce Henderson, “Stairway in Iceland.”
Honorable Mention – Gail Dohrmann, “Russ at Boulder Valley Ranch.”

Here are the photos (still need to upload a digital version of Gail Dohrmann’s Third Place Print Realism entry entitled “Cuban Auto Shop”):

Year-end club competition is Thursday, Dec. 8

The Flatirons Photo Club’s annual year-end competition will be held during the club’s monthly meeting on Thursday, Dec. 8.
Each member of the club can enter up to five images among the competition categories in any way they desire. Images entered in the year-end competition may have been shown in the current year’s monthly competitions, or may be new work as long as it was created in the past two years; also acceptable is work more than two years old that has never been shown in a competitive venue.
Ribbons will be awarded for first, second and third place and honorable mention.
In addition, there will be a Best of Show award in honor of long-time Flatirons Photo Club member Russell Dohrmann, who passed away April 10, 2015. There will be a $100 cash prize for Best of Show. Russell’s wife, Gail, also a long-time member of the club, will be the judge.
Contest details are here: