The judge was Bob Maynard. The Special Topic was Bicycles
Award, Digital Realism, “Chinese Lilies,” Peter Bandurian
Award, Digital Realism, “Winter is Coming,” Mia Mestdagh
Award, Digital Special Effects, “”Aspen Abstract (Homage to Cal Whitehall),” Cary Wolfson
Award, Print Realism, “Mongolian Princess,” Vandy Vandervort
Award, Print Special Effects, “Sailor Girl,” Cary Wolfson
Award, Digital Special Topic, “Italian Coast Bike,” John Kieffer
Award, Digital Special Topic, “Dolomite Road Biker,” John Kieffer
Award, Digital Realism, “Inflation,” Cary Wolfson
Award, Print Realism, “Spiral Staircase,” Bruce Henderson