Those interested in architectural photography may find the results of the 2019 Denver Architecture Foundation photo contest of interest:
Denver Audubon Photo Contest
Denver Audubon has announced its ‘Share the View’ worldwide nature photo contest, with entries due by December 1, 2019. Details are available at .
October 2019 Competition Results
The competition results of the October 2019 meeting at Mike’s Camera are available at Congratulations to the winners!
October 10, 2019 Monthly Meeting
The Flatirons Photo Club is proud to present outdoor photographer Rob Lantz at our Thursday, October 10th meeting at Mike’s Camera. All Flatirons Photo Club meetings are free and open to the public.
Colorado photographer Rob Lantz will presents some of his outstanding imagery while discussing ideas and tips that can help any photographer take better photos. Now, Rob Lantz Photography offers all-inclusive landscape workshops into Colorado’s wildest and most beautiful places.
The Flatirons Photo Club meets at Mike’s Camera, 2500 Pearl Street in Boulder. We meet the second Thursday of the month, except July and August. Social starts at 6:30PM and our programs begin at 7PM. Use the entrance 50 feet left of Mike’s main entrance. Take the elevators to the second floor.
October’s special topic is STREET PHOTOGRAPHY. See for submissions guidelines.
September 12, 2019 Monthly Meeting
On Thursday, September 12th, the Flatirons Photo Club will have its annual PORTFOLIO NIGHT: A night when 6-8 of its members will show some of their photography.

All Flatiron Photo Club meetings are free and open to everyone. The Flatirons Photo Club meets at Mike’s Camera in Boulder on the second Thursday of the month (except July and August). Social starts at 6:30 PM and Portfolio Night begins at 7PM. Use the doors on the southeast corner (left of the Main Entrance). Then take the elevators to the second floor.
Portfolio Night presenters are: Mark Shegda; Anne Schur; Chip Blach; John Harmon; Winn Robbins; Monica Chace; Scott Allan and Peter Bandurian.
Member’s Exhibit at NCAR
Mark Shegda (fellow Flatirons Photo Club member) has been selected to exhibit at the NCAR Mesa Laboratory as part of the UCAR Community Art Program. Mark’s exhibit opens on Sept. 7th and runs to October 27th.

FPC Club Members Selected for Exhibits
FPC member Kathleen Christensen has had three of her photos selected to be in a juried photography exhibit put on by Boulder County Parks and Open Space. (All the photos in the exhibit are of Boulder County open space properties.) The exhibit will be up through September 6. More details here:
FPC member Preston Newell has had all five of his entries accepted for the Colorado State Fair this year. One photograph won 3rd place in Digital Arts and another won 3rd place in Photography. The Colorado State Fair runs from August 23 to September 2 in Pueblo.
FPC members Ginger Zukowski and Marianne Weingroff are showing photos in the ‘Lines’ exhibit running through September 1 at the R Gallery, 2027 Broadway, Boulder, Colorado.
FPC member Vandy Vandervort received a 3rd place in the Adult Advanced Creative Digital class at the Boulder County Fair in August. She also has entries in the upcoming ‘Colorado Aperture 2019’ show at The Depot Art Gallery, 2069 W Powers Ave, Littleton, CO 80120. The exhibit runs from Tuesday, August 27, 2019 through Saturday, September 28, 2019. The reception and awards presentation will be held on Friday, September 6, 2019 from 5 to 8pm. In addition, she will have entries at the North Boulder Recreation Center exhibit in October, 2019.
June 2019 Competition Results
The competition results of the June 2019 meeting at Mike’s Camera are available at www. Congratulations to the winners!
June 13, 2019 Monthly Meeting
The Flatirons Photo Club is proud to present photographer and adventurer Doug La Farge at our Thursday, June 13th meeting at Mike’s Camera. The meeting is free and open to the public.
Sunset over Boulder, Colorado
For over thirty years Doug has been shooting and sharing imagery from around the globe. He is as comfortable underwater photographing sharks as he is hanging from the side of El Capitan. His adventures have taken him to places like Papua New Guinea, India and the Vampire Spires in Northwest Territories. Doug La Farge Website
– Doug is a SSI Digital Underwater Photography Instructor and also offers courses on Digital Photography with Drones.
– Doug is a FAA certified Remote Pilot and is also a Private Pilot.
The Flatirons Photo Club meets at Mike’s Camera, 2500 Pearl Street in Boulder. We meet the second Thursday of the month, except July and August. Social starts at 6:30 PM. Our programs begin at 7 PM and end at 9 PM. Use the entrance 50 feet left of Mike’s main entrance and take the elevators to the second floor.
Membership is $20/year.
The June Special Topic for member submissions is ‘Water.’ We will view and discuss photos submitted by our members after the speaker’s program. Please submit no more than two images. See for details on member digital and print submissions.
May 2019 Competition Results
The competition results of the May 2019 meeting at Mike’s Camera are available at . Congratulations to the winners!