The Flatirons Photo Club is proud to present photographer and adventurer Doug La Farge at our Thursday, June 13th meeting at Mike’s Camera. The meeting is free and open to the public.
Sunset over Boulder, Colorado
For over thirty years Doug has been shooting and sharing imagery from around the globe. He is as comfortable underwater photographing sharks as he is hanging from the side of El Capitan. His adventures have taken him to places like Papua New Guinea, India and the Vampire Spires in Northwest Territories. Doug La Farge Website
– Doug is a SSI Digital Underwater Photography Instructor and also offers courses on Digital Photography with Drones.
– Doug is a FAA certified Remote Pilot and is also a Private Pilot.
The Flatirons Photo Club meets at Mike’s Camera, 2500 Pearl Street in Boulder. We meet the second Thursday of the month, except July and August. Social starts at 6:30 PM. Our programs begin at 7 PM and end at 9 PM. Use the entrance 50 feet left of Mike’s main entrance and take the elevators to the second floor.
Membership is $20/year.
The June Special Topic for member submissions is ‘Water.’ We will view and discuss photos submitted by our members after the speaker’s program. Please submit no more than two images. See for details on member digital and print submissions.