March 2021 Monthly Meeting

Our March Zoom meeting is on Thursday, the 11th, starting at 7pm. Join a bit early to assure your connectivity and socialize. A link to the meeting will be sent in advance via email to members and interested non-members. If you would like to be added to our mailing list, please send an email to flatirons [at] [email protected] with the subject line ‘Mailing list’.

Dan Baumbach will present a program on his beautiful and unique photographs of our natural world.  Check out his online gallery:

The second half of the meeting will be a competition. Members may submit up to 2 images. Use the naming protocols outlined on in our submittal guidelines: This month the special topic is “outside”. It’s up to you on how to interpret that. Here is a link to our regular categories and additional information about the monthly competitions:

We encourage all members to participate. It’s a great opportunity to learn from our accomplished presenter. And as always, if you wish to share images, you must have paid your dues.  Smile

February 2021 Monthly Meeting

Join us via Zoom for the February 11, 2021 7:00 PM meeting of the Flatirons Photo Club! A link to the meeting will be sent in advance via email to members and interested non-members. If you would like to be added to our mailing list, please send an email to flatirons [at] [email protected] with the subject line ‘Mailing list’.

The special topic for member competition in November is ‘still life’. See below and for more information on member competition submissions.

Flatirons Photo Club meetings are free and open to the public. To be eligible for critiques and competitions, you must be a member of the club. If you haven’t already, you can pay your dues online at Everyone else, just join in and enjoy the show.

Cary Wolfson will present a program on his special effects work. He will show before and after images and provide a general explanation of apps and techniques that he uses. Check out his online gallery:

The second half of the meeting will be a member critique. You may submit up to 2 images. These may be an original image and the processed image that you want to talk about, or 2 different images that you wish to get feedback on.

While you don’t need to use our usual file naming protocols, please make sure that your last name is in the file name for proper attribution. If you want to show the images in a specific order please number them, eg. lastname1.jpg, lastname2.jpg. Please submit the images as usual to Deadline is Monday, February 8 at noon.

Even though we are not having a competition, we still have a special topic to encourage your creativity. This month it is “still life”. Still life includes all kinds of man-made or natural objects, cut flowers, fruit, vegetables, fish, game, wine and so on. The subject of the photograph cannot move or if once alive, is now dead.

Monthly Competition Topics for 2021

The list of Special Topics for 2021 is now available at

Join us via Zoom for the January 14, 2021 7:00 PM meeting of the Flatirons Photo Club! A link to the meeting will be sent in advance via email to members and interested non-members. If you would like to be added to our mailing list, please send an email to flatirons [at] with the subject line ‘Mailing list’.

This meeting will be a Members’ Night, with a special topic of ‘People’. That means that a person or people will be the main focus of the image. The person/people can be engaged in an activity or the image can be a portrait. Each member may submit up to 2 images that you want to talk about and that you wish to get feedback on. This gives everyone a chance to talk about their images and their current photographic interest. We do encourage all members to participate.  We’ll need you to submit the images as usual to flatirons [at] Deadline is Monday, January 11 at noon.

Annual Photography Competition

Everyone is invited to the Flatirons Photo Club’s Annual Photography Competition on Thursday, December 10th starting at 6:45PM (Mountain Standard Time) via Zoom. A link to the meeting will be sent in advance via email to members and interested non-members. If you would like to be added to our mailing list, please send an email to [email protected] with the subject line ‘Mailing list’.

The entire meeting will be devoted to the competition. Each dues-paying club member may submit up to 3 images. The maximum 3 images can be distributed among these categories as you choose (i.e., all in one category, or among multiple categories): Nature; Traditional Realism; Special Effects; and Black & White. See for more details.

Professional photographer Charles Needle will judge the competition, utilizing his knowledge and skills from years of leading photo workshops and teaching.

MEMBERSHIP: Consider becoming a member of the Flatirons Photo Club. The cost is only $20/year and you can pay online at our website at

November Monthly Meeting

Join us via Zoom for the November 12, 2020 7:00 PM meeting of the Flatirons Photo Club! A link to the meeting will be sent in advance via email to members and interested non-members. If you would like to be added to our mailing list, please send an email to [email protected] with the subject line ‘Mailing list’.

The special topic for member competition in November is ‘Antiques’. See for more information on member competition submissions.

Flatirons Photo Club meetings are free and open to the public. To be eligible for critiques and competitions, you must be a member of the club. Everyone else, just join in and enjoy the show.

The program will be How to Chase and Shoot the Northern Lights. Join award-winning Alaskan photographer Carl Johnson as he explains some of the mythology and the science surrounding the aurora borealis, or northern lights. He will explain what causes the aurora borealis and how to use available tools to be a successful aurora chaser. Carl will also provide tips on how to photograph the northern lights.

Carl Johnson is an award-winning nature photographer, living in Anchorage, Alaska, with his wife, Michelle. He was born and raised in the Black Hills of South Dakota and got his photography start while serving in the U.S. Navy. His greatest photographic passion lies in coming to fully understand a particular location, photographing all of its wonders, from small plants to vast landscapes, and increasingly the people who live with the land and call it home.

In 2017, Carl was awarded the Daniel Housberg Wilderness Image Award for Excellence in Still Photography, Film, or Video by the Alaska Conservation Foundation. Carl’s first book, Where Water is Gold: Life and Livelihood in Alaska’s Bristol Bay, was published by Braided River in 2016. It has been awarded a Silver Medal in the Nautilus Book Awards and a Gold Medal in the Independent Publisher Book Awards.

Carl has worked as a guest lecturer and instructor for Tony Robbins, Princess Cruise Lines, and several remote lodges in Alaska. He owns the Arctic Light Gallery, the only nature photo gallery in the City of Anchorage, and Alaska Photo Treks, providing a variety of photography tours and workshops in Alaska.

October Monthly Meeting

Join us via Zoom for the October 8, 2020 7:00 PM meeting of the Flatirons Photo Club! A link to the meeting will be sent in advance via email to members and interested non-members. If you would like to be added to our mailing list, please send an email to [email protected] with the subject line ‘Mailing list’.

The program for our October meeting will be presented by Charles Needle. Charles is a renowned Colorado-based fine art photographer, workshop leader and author who specializes in impressionistic and macro photography.

In 2018, Charles earned an honorable mention in the Macro category of the 8th Annual
International Mobile Photography Awards Contest. He was also a semi-finalist in the 2014 Nature’s Best Photography Winland Smith Rice International Awards photo contest. In 2011, Charles was selected as a finalist, among 15,000 entries worldwide, in the International Garden Photographer of the Year photography contest, sponsored by The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (London, England). This exhibition traveled throughout the United Kingdom.

To learn more about Charles’ work, including his books and workshop and private lesson offerings, visit

Charles will provide critique for members. At Charles’ request, we will have the critique only, no competition.

As usual, please submit up to two images to The submittal criteria are available on our website at The deadline for submittal is noon, Monday, Oct 5. This is a hard deadline. To be assured that you will be included in the critique, you must submit your images by then.

The special topic is Rhythm. Other categories are: Realism, Nature, Special Effects.
Information on each category can be found on the website at

Flatirons Photo Club meetings are free and open to the public. To be eligible for critiques and competitions, you must be a member of the club. Everyone else, just join in and enjoy the show.

September Monthly Meeting via Zoom

Join us via Zoom for the September 10, 2020 7:00 PM meeting of the Flatirons Photo Club! A link to the meeting will be sent in advance via email to members and interested non-members. If you would like to be added to our mailing list, please send an email to [email protected] with the subject line ‘Mailing list’.

This meeting is Portfolio or Members’ Night. Several selected FPC members will show and discuss a selection of their images. Hope to see you then (via Zoom)!