Postponed field trip to the Denver Botanic Gardens

At the Photographic Frontiers Study Group on Wednesday evening, 10/01/14, I said that I was planning a club field trip to the Denver Botanic Gardens for this Saturday, 10/04/14. Since I received no expression of interest in this outing but did receive expressions of interest in Chihuly Nights at the Gardens, I have decided against tomorrow’s field trip and will arrange a trip to photograph the glassworks at night. (My apologies for any confusion, if you do go tomorrow, you will still have a wonderful time.)

In the next few days, I will select a date for the night field trip to photograph the Chihuly exhibit. Note that tickets will have to be purchased in advance at

Thomas Walsh
Flatirons Photo Club President

Photographic Frontiers Study Group meeting this Wednesday, October 1

The Photographic Frontiers Study Group (PFSG) will meet once again this Wednesday, October 1, 2014, at Mike’s Camera (third floor, use the back entrance and elevator), from 7-9pm. No dues, membership, or fees required. At this meeting, Gail Dohrmann will give a presentation on iPhonography that promises to provide a fascinating insight into one of the ways that she creates her beautiful art.

Gail states that, among other things, “I will provide a handout that I created of the top 30 apps and the functions they cover. I was driven to create this because no such handy reference exists that I know of. Members can bring an iPhone Image to show (on a thumb drive) and I will give suggestions as to how it may be modified and improved by using various iPhone apps that are available in the app store.”

Folks, if you’re not coming to the PFSG, you are missing out on something both educational and a hell of a lot of fun. And if you’re at all familiar with Gail’s art, you know you shouldn’t miss this one.

October 9, 2014- Steve O’Bryan: From Within: Photography As Self-Portraiture

Website Logo Banner reduced size

For the last twenty-plus years or so, I’ve taught ancient Greek and Roman history at a university in Denver. From that long perspective, there’s not much new under the sun. But I also take photographs—-and I’m as passionate about those as I am the ancient Romans. My company, Wild Basin Photography and Gallery, is located in the North Boulder Art District. My portfolio is filled with images of Boulder, Colorado, and the Rocky Mountain West. But it also includes images from Rome, Florence and Northern New Mexico (Santa Fe, Abiquiu, and Ghost Ranch—-Georgia O’Keefe’s landscape).
For me, the best thing about photography is being out taking photographs. You are immediately surrounded by a pulsing, 360-degree-multi-sensory environment. The art of photography is reducing this mind’s- eye sensory experience into an aesthetically pleasing, two-dimensional image by blending technology with deliberate, intentional, and personal artistic seeing.
So on many levels, the process of making photographs is more complicated than it appears. The beauty and/or interest of a scene pulls the photographer in; but memorable photographs come from within the photographer—quite literally from the inside out as a kind of self-portraiture. This transcends the personal style a photographer may have and becomes the first level of “meaning” a photograph may have.
In this presentation, we will look at a series of images and raise some of the many issues related to this artistic and personal side of the photographic process.
Lastly, the next best thing to taking photographs is to talk about them. This should be an interesting evening and I invite you to join the discussion!
Wild Basin Twilight wo wmFrom Within-1

Club meeting September 11, 2014

The Flatirons Photo Club will have its monthly meeting at 7 p.m. tonight, Sept. 11, in the south building at Har HaShem, 3901 Pinon Drive. Turn right off Baseline
into Har HaShem, continue through the parking lot to the south building on the right.
Tonight we will have our annual exhibition of members’ work. Guests and visitors are always welcome.

September 11, 2014 Meeting: Request for Presentations

Dear FPC Friends,
         This is your friendly Program Chair asking for your contributions to the September 11 Member Slide Show meeting.  We plan to devote the entire September meeting to in-house artists by offering each volunteer member a 10 minute slot to present recent work to the club.
        The format is simple: short introduction, 5 minute slide show, short time for Q & A.  This is your chance to show and discuss your recent work, themed work or best of 2014 (or any other connected set of photos) It is always exciting to see the variety of artistic approaches represented by our folks.
       I’m counting on 9 or 10 club members to respond to this request so that I can reserve your 10 minute slots. I have a feeling they will go fast, so first come, first serve; so far 7 people have said they will give presentations.  Please send an email to very soon to reserve your time slot.  
      Thanks for being willing to share your creativity and skills with FPC members.
      Hope you are having a terrific summer,
      Ginger Zukowski
      Program Chair

Field Trip: Boulder County Bombers Women’s Roller Derby. Double Header. June 28.

I’ve just finalized arrangements for tickets to the Boulder County Bombers’ dual bout this Saturday, June 28. If we have a group of 10 or more when we arrive at the ticket table, tickets will be $10 each. Otherwise, we will pay the regular price of $15 each (so bring $15, just in case). Either way it will be well worth it: The sport is great, as are the photo and video ops. In addition, the Bombers will be playing a double header. The Bombers’ B team (I’ve seen them compete; it’s a gas), aka The Bombshells, will defeat (okay, I’m hoping at this point) the South Side Derby Dames starting at 6 pm. In the second bout, the Bombers’ A team, the All Stars, will overwhelm (ditto) the Denver Roller Dolls Bruising Altitude.

There will be food from Georgia Boys BBQ and beer from 300 Suns, Bootstrap and Left Hand as well as Nina’s Cocktails margaritas and rum from Tesouro Distillery.

Doors open at 5:30, general admission. Though we’ll be free to move around during the bouts, to get good seats we will meet outside the hall entrance at 5:30, when admittance begins. Location: Boulder County Fairgrounds, 9595 Nelson Road, Longmont, CO. Park in the dirt parking lot in front of the large building named Boulder County Fairgrounds Park. When you face that building, the building hosting the bouts is directly to your right, it’s called the Exhibit (or Exhibition) Hall. In this photo, it’s the building in the lower center:
I hope to see lots of you there. As I say, women’s roller derby is a terrific sport and a great photo op.

Thomas Walsh
Flatirons Photo Club President

June 2014 Competition Results

June 12 meeting. Jon Van de Grift presentation on “Weathering the Storm: The Challenges of Photography in Extreme Places.”

Jon Van de Grift will give a presentation on, “Weathering the Storm: The Challenges of Photography in Extreme Places.” This presentation will include new photographs from his 2013 field season, a preview of his upcoming work, and a question and answer session for photographers seeking advice on how to cope with the elements.

Jon’s Bio:

Jon Van de Grift is an extreme weather photographer based in Boulder, Colorado. His photographs have been published worldwide in nearly every medium. What makes Jon’s photographs unique is his uncommon approach and lofty perspective. Beyond the typical documentary snapshots of storms, Jon makes true fine art of some of the most dangerous weather on Earth. His platform of choice is a mountain summit and when that’s not available, he uses an aircraft. He is one of only a few fine art aerial photographers in the world. When he’s not behind the camera, he’s in front of the chalkboard teaching earth and atmospheric science at the Metropolitan State University of Denver. Please visit to learn more about Jon and see his work. You can also watch for him on “Dispatches” on Outside Television.

June 4 – Photographic Frontiers Study Group Meeting

Join us at 7p.m. tomorrow night on the third floor of Mike’s Camera (Folsom & Pearl, Boulder) for a great program. We have Ilene Meyers coming to talk about the Nik/Google software suite (Silver Efex Pro, Color Efex Pro, etc.). These are very popular post-processing applications and this should be a great learning forum. Then we have our professional traveler “Gunga” Jim Downs on board to give a talk and tips on travel photography and, given his experience in just about every country on Earth not currently at war, this should be quite interesting as well.

Also, as always, attendees are encouraged to bring an image or two that they may have questions about. Maybe Ilene can use yours as an example as she covers the Google/Nik software!

These meetings are open to anyone, they are free, and they tend to be more of an open forum format rather than pure lectures. We are all there to learn from each other and to contribute what knowledge we each might have.

Hope to see you there!

June 12, 2014-Presentation-Weathering the Storm with Jon Van de Grift

Jon Van de Grift will give a presentation on, “Weathering the Storm: The Challenges of Photography in Extreme Places.” This presentation will include new photographs from his 2013 field season, a preview of his upcoming work, and a question and answer session for photographers seeking advice on how to cope with the elements.

Jon’s Bio:

Jon Van de Grift is an extreme weather photographer based in Boulder, Colorado. His photographs have been published worldwide in nearly every medium. What makes Jon’s photographs unique is his uncommon approach and lofty perspective. Beyond the typical documentary snapshots of storms, Jon makes true fine art of some of the most dangerous weather on Earth. His platform of choice is a mountain summit and when that’s not available, he uses an aircraft. He is one of only a few fine art aerial photographers in the world. When he’s not behind the camera, he’s in front of the chalkboard teaching earth and atmospheric science at the Metropolitan State University of Denver. Please visit to learn more about Jon and see his work. You can also watch for him on “Dispatches” on Outside Television.