March 2016 Competition Results

Robert Morrissey was the featured speaker and competition judge. The special topic was the Flatirons.

Robert Morrissey speaker March 10

Robert Morrissey, director and executive photographer of Morrissey and Associates, a Longmont-based commercial photography organization, will be the featured speaker at the Flatirons Photo Club meeting and competition at 7 p.m. this Thursday, March 10, at Har HaShem Synagogue in Boulder.
Morrissey is the recipient of numerous awards from Canon and Kodak and is a Phase One featured photographer. Published internationally more than 100,000 times, he holds a degree in photography from the Kansas City Art Institute and has more than 25 years experience in the field. He has been published in almost every photographic genre and style there is.
Morrissey also is the author of iPhoneography Pro: Techniques for Taking Your iPhone Photography to the Next Level; Commercial Photographer’s Master Lighting Guide; and Master Lighting Guide for Commercial Photographers.
His company specializes in product photography, medical photography, 4K video production, portrait photography, fashion photography, catalog photography, advertising photography and food photography. His national clients include: FDC Chassis, Golite, Albertsons, Kraft Foods, Horizon Dairy, Pearl Izumi, Celestial Seasonings, Case Logic, Devilbiss Medical, Novocol, Sunrise Medical, Longmont Dairy, Ultimate Electronics, Sony, Olympus Cameras, Chimera Lighting, Schneider Optics, GE, Disney, Kyocera, AJA, University of Colorado-Denver, University Colorado-Boulder, University of Missouri, KACI, and more.
His company website is at and his Facebook page is at

Photographic Frontiers Study Group Meeting this Wednesday, March 2—Videography for Photographers

Folks, if you haven’t yet hit that “Record Video” button on your camera, the time has come. This Wednesday’s Photographic Frontiers Study Group will be a great opportunity to see and hear an overview from basics to some advanced techniques. Oaken Beeson of Seed Design and Production will give a presentation on videography for photographers using DSLRs. As usual, we will meet at Boulder Digital Arts in Boulder, at 1600 Range St, from 7 to 9 p.m. Here’s Oaken’s announcement:

From Photographer to Videographer: Using your DSLR to take professional quality video

We will discuss opening up your DSLR to another range of possibilities. Going over everything from settings to proper frame rates to the equipment used in professional videography. The worlds of photo and video are completely different but it doesn’t need to be difficult to switch between the two. We will simplify and compare how the two are alike to make it an easier transition for the mind of a photographer. This is not intended to teach composition and basic photography, the class is directed towards photographers who have already learned the basic principles; aspect ratios, shutter speed, framing, etc. Feel free to bring in your cameras for hands on instruction!

February 2016 Competition Results

The judge was Bob Maynard. The special topic was snow.

Bob Maynard to talk about new book Thursday, Feb. 11

Bob Maynard, an award-winning nature photographer who has chaired the Louisville National Juried Photography Show for a number of years, will talk about his new book, “A Photographer’s Guide to Colorado’s National Parks and Monuments,” at the Flatirons Photo Club monthly meeting and competition at 7 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 11, at Har HaShem synagogue.
Maynard offers photo tours, photography workshops and corporate wall art services in Colorado, the Everglades and Utah.
His book offers help to photographers who want to do their own exploring of scenic Colorado locations without the help of a tour guide.
More information is at

January 2016 Competition Results

John Kiefer was the judge. The special topic was “Hands.”

"Franciscan Courtyard," Print Special Effects, Vandy Vandervort

“Franciscan Courtyard,” Print Special Effects, Vandy Vandervort

"Rodeo Queens," Print Realism, Bruce Henderson

“Rodeo Queens,” Print Realism, Bruce Henderson

"The Rice Planter," Digital Special Effects, Vandy Vandervort

“The Rice Planter,” Digital Special Effects, Vandy Vandervort

"Rolling Stones," Digital Special Effects, Gail Dohrmann

“Rolling Stones,” Digital Special Effects, Gail Dohrmann

"Stock Show Competition," Print Special  Topic, Bruce Henderson

“Stock Show Competition,” Print Special Topic, Bruce Henderson

"Artist Hands," Digital Special Topic, Cary Wolfson

“Artist Hands,” Digital Special Topic, Cary Wolfson

"Vik Church," Digital Realism, Ilene Meyers

“Vik Church,” Digital Realism, Ilene Meyers

"Sailor's Kiss," Digital Realism, Cary Wolfson

“Sailor’s Kiss,” Digital Realism, Cary Wolfson

"Highland Window Washers," Digital Realism, Cary Wolfson

“Highland Window Washers,” Digital Realism, Cary Wolfson

"Moon Over Santa Fe," Digital Realism, Mia Mestdagh

“Moon Over Santa Fe,” Digital Realism, Mia Mestdagh

"Great Smokies Big Creek," Digital Realism, Ilene Meyers

“Great Smokies Big Creek,” Digital Realism, Ilene Meyers

"Flying Low," Digital Realism, Cal Whitehall

“Flying Low,” Digital Realism, Cal Whitehall

"Urban Silhouettes, NYC," Print Realism, Daniel Joder

“Urban Silhouettes, NYC,” Print Realism, Daniel Joder

"Self Portrait," Digital Special Effects, Maria Rosa Fuste

“Self Portrait,” Digital Special Effects, Maria Rosa Fuste

"Cello Fury," Print Special Effects, Cary Wolfson.

“Cello Fury,” Print Special Effects, Cary Wolfson.

"La Danza," Digital Special Topic, Maria Rosa Fuste

“La Danza,” Digital Special Topic, Maria Rosa Fuste

"Checking for a Predator," Print Realism, Cal Whitehall

“Checking for a Predator,” Print Realism, Cal Whitehall

John Kieffer is the featured photographer Jan. 14

John Kieffer, a photographer who leads tours throughout Colorado and has written five books on photography, will give a presentation entitled “Beyond Nature” at the Flatirons Photo Club’s monthly meeting Thursday, Jan. 14, in the south building at Har HaShem, 3950 Baseline Road .
“Over the past 25 years, I’ve been involved in most aspects of professional photography. Like many, I began as a nature photographer, but soon became exposed to editorial and advertising photography as a photographer’s assistant working in New York and Colorado,” Kieffer wrote in an email.
“One of my favorite ideas to discuss is Beyond Nature,where I show how to use basic nature techniques and composition to photograph more than nature, especially people, man-made subjects and travel.
“This shooting style also plays into social media, which has changed how pictures are taken, what images people want to show, and more importantly, what your viewers wants to see. Top priority: have fun and explore.”
Kieffer, who also is a member of the Flatirons Photo Club, leads private photo tours throughout Colorado. He also is represented by Getty Images. His website is at
His five books are: Boulder, Colorado, a Photographic Portrait; Denver, Colorado, a Photographic Portrait; Mastering Nature Photography; and two versions of A Photographer’s Assistant,onerevisedfordigitaladvancements.

Photographic Frontiers Study Group. Wednesday January 6, 2016.

Photographic Frontiers Study Group, Wednesday, January 6, 2016, 7-9 p.m. Boulder Digital Arts, 1600 Range St., Boulder

First Hour
Our presenter will be Flatirons Photo Club’s former president, Thomas Walsh. While much of Thomas’s photography income comes from capturing the heart and soul of people at work, he also concentrates on glamour photography and the creation of composites. This Photographic Frontiers Study Group talk will be on composites, with particular attention given to making and refining selections in both Photoshop and Topaz Remask 5.
Please come to the talk with both questions and suggestions. Compositing is a subject Thomas is somewhat new at, and he would like to learn as much from you as you learn from him.

Second Hour
Feel free to bring an image or two on a thumb drive for discussion. Whether you’d like a critique, or help with post-processing, or just general feedback about your approach — it’s an open forum, so bring it on!

IMPORTANT REMINDER: New venue. The Mike’s Camera location is no longer available to us (they will be renting it out), so we will now be meeting at Boulder Digital Arts (BDA). BDA is located on the northeast corner of Range and Arapahoe, at 1600 Range St,. Boulder, CO 80304. Our times and dates will remain the first Wednesday of each month from 7-9 p.m. Also, this meeting is open to all with an interest in things photographic–no membership required, no experience required — just enthusiasm. Come and join us!

2015 Year End Competition

The judges were Maureen Ruddy Burkhart, Max Seigel and Bruce Henderson.

Scoring sheets for Black & White Print competition are missing for 2nd Place, 3rd Place, and Honorable Mention. Please email [email protected] if you won an award in these categories or if you have not received your award ribbon.

Andy Long Featured Photographer Nov. 12

Andy Long, a professional wildlife and nature photographer based in Lakewood who has been doing photography for more than 35 years and owns First Light Photo Workshops (, will be the featured speaker and competition judge during the Flatirons Photo Club monthly meeting from 7-9 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 12, at Har HaShem Synagogue, 3950 West Baseline Road.
As a leader of workshops internationally since 1994, Andy likes to help people explore new areas and to go home with a memorable experience as well as great images in addition to having learned a good bit about photography. Andy tries to emphasize a unique eye in capturing images of the world and to pass this on to those who go on his workshops.
With more than 300,000 stock images, his work has appeared in more than 40 publications and books as well as in National Geographic and Animal Planet television shows. Among the places his work has
appeared include Birder’s World, Bugle, Outdoor Life, View (Germany), Colorado Outdoors, Alaska Magazine, Audubon field guides, National Wildlife Federation note cards, Texas Parks & Wildlife, regional AAA magazines, Montana Magazine, Montana Outdoors, Outdoor Photographer, Outdoor and Nature Photographer and in ads for Audubon and Rollei cameras.
He has been a winner in the Audubon Top 100 Images of the Year, Audubon Share the View contest (four images) and the Nature’s Best Wilderness Forever Photo Competition and is a previous winner of the national RoseWater Network Photographer of the Year award. Andy’s work is currently represented by the following stock agencies Alamy, Imagefinders, AKM and PhotoAgora.
As a writer, articles appear in every issue of Nature Photographer magazine, of which he’s an assistant editor and featured columnist. Many articles can be found at, where he has been a featured writer for 15 years. In addition to this work, he presented programs around the country as part of the Nature First Photography Seminars sponsored by Nature Photographer magazine. He also has been a featured speaker at the Colorado Photography Festival and the New England Camera Club Council Annual Conference.