The judges were Maureen Ruddy Burkhart, Max Seigel and Bruce Henderson.
Scoring sheets for Black & White Print competition are missing for 2nd Place, 3rd Place, and Honorable Mention. Please email [email protected] if you won an award in these categories or if you have not received your award ribbon.
3rd Place, Special Effects Digital, Red Egg Galaxy, Cary Wolfson
2nd Place, Special Effects Digital, Fall Aspen Abstract, Cal Whitehall
1st Place, Special Effects Digital, Dave & Molly, Cary Wolfson
Realism Digital, 2nd Place, Milky Way, John Kieffer
Realism Print, 2nd Place, Golden Light, Cal Whitehall
Russ Dohrmann Best of Show Award, The Hills Are Alive, Peter Bandurian
Realism Digital, 1st Place, Reynisdrangar Dusk, Ilene Meyers
2nd Place, Special Effects Print, The Edge of Winter, Cary Wolfson
Realism Digital, Honorable Mention, Blue and White, Peter Bandurian
Realism Digital, Honorable Mention, The Hunter, Peter Bandurian
B&W Print, 1st Place, Abandoned Dreams in the Grasslands, Cal Whitehall
Honorable Mention, Special Effects Digital, Raindrops Keep Falling, Todd Towell
Realism Digital, Honorable Mention, Snow Range, Mia Mestdagh
Realism Digital, Honorable Mention, Grand Canyon, John Kieffer
Realism Digital, 3rd Place, Giocoso, Ilene Meyers