November 8, 2018 Monthly Meeting

The next meeting will be on Thursday, November 8 at 7PM at the Har Hashem Synagogue, 3950 W Baseline Road, Boulder. The competition Special Topic is Macro=Micro=Closeup. See for submission details.  The speaker will be Cheryl Opperman.

What makes some photographs stand out more than others? Are photographers merely capturing what they see or are they creating images through an unique perception of the environment around them? Join award-winning photographer Cheryl Opperman as she takes us on a journey that explores how creative vision can change our photographic approach and perspective in the digital age.

Cheryl Opperman is a nationally acclaimed nature photographer who has traveled to every continent in the world capturing spectacular images of nature, wildlife, and indigenous cultures. Widely published, her photographs have appeared in print, on the web, on television, and in solo and group exhibits, resulting in a list of clients or credits which include The American Humane Association, Overseas Adventure Travel, The Denver Post, the National Geographic Society, and the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History. Cheryl’s esthetic compositions, artistic use of light, and exquisite detail have been honored with several prestigious awards from organizations including The Earth Day Network, Nature’s Best Photography, the International Photography Awards, and the National Wildlife Federation. She was also featured as a leading female nature photographer by Outdoor Photographer Magazine and has appeared in on-camera interviews by 9News Denver, the Luminous Landscape, and Smithsonian Earth. Using the power of photography to inspire interest in the environment and other cultures, she also lectures and leads photo workshops. Cheryl is a 1992 honors graduate of Brooks Institute of Photography holding a Bachelor of Arts degree in Industrial/Scientific photography.

October 11, 2018 Monthly Meeting

This meeting will be different for FPC members: it’s “Show & Tell”!

Bring something (lens, camera accessory, tripod, print, some object) that you’d like to talk about and should be of interest/informative to fellow members.
OR Submit a photo with the same intent of saying something informative or educational for audience to: [email protected]

Visitors welcome! Membership to the Flatirons Photo Club is $20./year

The October speaker will be Cole Thompson. 

Cole says “I believe that I can make a compelling case that any image or genre of photography looks great in black and white. But my presentation is really about finding your Vision, following your Passion, forgetting about what others are doing and creating images that you love. The presentation is 1 hour and 15 minutes long and as is my tradition, three prints will be given away at the end of the presentation.”

September 13, 2018 Monthly Meeting


This will be a Whatever Night, so submit ONE PHOTO TWO PHOTOS by Monday PM – September 10. Topics: Can be any topic, any subject you’d like to show and talk about or ask for friendly critique. Use your first name as a file name and photos will be shown in reverse order, i.e., the z’s goes first. We seem to get a lot of conversations, so it’s limited to one photo two photos each. Make it special!

Visit Guidelines for submission specs for your one photos.

Flatirons Photo Club Member Survey 2018

In May, the Club conducted a survey of members seeking opinions and ideas about how to improve future meetings. The survey asked questions about Club membership, photo experience and interest, as well as equipment and software. Importantly, the survey asked about content and frequency of future Club meetings.

You can read the results of the survey here.


June 14, 2018 Monthly Meeting

The guest speaker at the upcoming meeting of the Flatirons Photo Club will be Joshua Hardin. The meeting will be on Thursday, June 14 at 7PM at the Har Hashem Synagogue, 3950 W Baseline Road, Boulder.

Joshua Hardin is the Photo Editor of Colorado Life Magazine, a publication which has showcased the state’s nature, outdoor adventure, history and colorful characters since 2012. He also photo edits for Utah Life Magazine which premiered this March. Josh will be giving tips about what it takes to have editorial work published in regional magazines such as Colorado Life, covering everything from covers to portrait to recipe photography. A native of Loveland, Josh grew up practicing photography while hiking throughout the Rocky Mountains. He published a retrospective book of his favorite landscape and wildlife photos from across the state called Classic Colorado, has worked as staff photographer for Regis University in Denver and as a photography instructor for the Digital Workshop Center in Fort Collins. Additionally, his work has appeared in The Denver Post, Wild West Magazine, Outdoor Photographer Magazine, Colorado Press Association and The Center for Fine Art Photography.

The competition Special Topic is ‘Highkey & lowkey paired images’ (each pair counts as one monthly submission). See for submission details.

May 10, 2018 Monthly Meeting and Critique(!)

The guest speaker at the May 10, 2018 meeting of the Flatirons Photo Club will be Bob Dean, speaking on Views of Nature, Travel Photography for Fun and Profit? The meeting will be on Thursday, May 10 at 7PM at the Har Hashem Synagogue, 3950 W Baseline Road, Boulder.

Bob is a freelance nature and travel photographer who has been exploring and photographing for more than 40 years. His stock file includes images ranging from Alaska to Australia to  Europe. He has extensive experience in the western U.S., especially Colorado and California. To pass on his knowledge and expertise, he leads photo workshops and teaches beginning and advanced photography courses to private clients as well as through local organizations. These groups include the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, Highlands Ranch Community Association, Douglas County Libraries, and Arapahoe Library District as well as many local camera clubs. Published images and articles have appeared in magazines and newsletters including Falcon, Outdoor World, and several photo newsletters. He was an assistant editor and featured writer/photographer for First Light Monthly Newsletter for Nature Photographers. Bob is a long-time member of NANPA (North American Nature Photographers Association).

Important Notice!!

We’re trying something different this month: Instead of the usual competition, we’ll have a critique night to provide positive feedback on submitted images. We’re asking members to submit up to two images on any topic. To make things easier for the Projectionist, please submit digital images by Sunday evening, May 6. For this meeting, all submissions will be under the Special Topic Critique. Print submissions should follow the usual guidelines. Use this variation on our usual naming convention for digital submissions:

Note: there are dashes or minus signs between sections of the file name.
FLA = 3 character club code. FLA stands for Flatirons Photo Club.
SSSS = first 4 characters of the submitter’s surname. If a surname has less than 4 characters, that is fine.
X = first character of the submitter’s first name
Y = Category: A=Realism, B=Special Effects C=Special Topic
Z = Number of the entry in a category. A1 would be the first entry, A2 would be the second entry, A3 would be the third, etc.

Title = Image title with 36 characters maximum. Note: some email systems remove spaces from filenames when they receive files. If your email system does this, use underscores (“_”) instead of spaces. The program will replace them with spaces.

Example: John Smith, Flatirons Photo Club, Critique, Great Blue Heron would have a filename of:
fla-smitj-C1-Great Blue Heron.jpg