The judge and presenter was Maureen Ruddy Burkhart. The special topic was mannequins.
Award, Digital Realism, Marguerite Robinson, “Elephant Seal Bellow”
Award, Digital Realism, Peter Bandurian, “Chinese Lily”
ward, Print Special Effects, Maria Rosa Fuste, “Human, All Too Human”
Award, Print Special Effects, Maria Rosa Fuste, “Anger Explosion”
Award, Digital Realism, Marguerite Robinson, “King Penguin”
Award, Digital Special Effects, “CBD Mannequin”
Award, Print Special Topic, Bruce Henderson, “Still Selling on the Street”
Award, Digital Realism, Mia Mestdagh, “In Chefchaouen”
Award, Print Special Effects, Maria Rosa Fuste, “Old Dreams”
Award, Print Special Effects, Maria Rosa Fuste, “La Mediterranea”
Award, Print Special Effects, B. Jellick, “Singer”
Award, Digital Realism, Vandy Vandervoot, “Art Girl”
Award, Digital Realism, Mia Mestdagh, “Sahara”
Award, Digital Realism, Peter Bandurian, “Watchtower and the R