February 2013 Competition Results

February and March Meetings — Change of Venue

We have had a minor change of venue for our monthly meetings for February and March 2013. For these next two meetings, we will gather at Har Hashem’s north building, where we held our January 2013 meeting. If you enter Har Hashem from Baseline, the north building is immediately on your left, 3950 Baseline Rd. Anyone who goes to our regular location will be redirected to the correct location.

February 2013 Monthly Meeting

This month’s meeting of the Flatirons Photo Club will be held on Thursday, February 14, 2013 at 7:00 PM. We will be meeting at 391 Pinon (the red brick building behind Har Hashem Synagogue which is at 3950 Baseline Road).

February’s topic will be “Using an iPhone Camera to Create Composite Images” by Karen Divine . See more at: https://flatironsphotoclub.org/category/blog/monthly-programs and at her web site, www.karendivinephotography.com.

This month’s Special Topic for the member competition is: Faces.

January 2013 Competition Results

Prints submitted to club competitions

This post is a reminder of the size limits on prints entered into the monthly and year-end photo club competitions. During the last few months, several entries may have been larger than the size limit set in the competition guidelines. No measurements were taken, so this might in fact not have been the case. The board has discussed the matter, however, and, due to concerns that sizes greater than the set limits might give entries a greater impact than smaller photos, in the future prints that are not within the allowed limits will not be entered into competition.

Please note the club’s guidelines for print sizes: “26 inches is the tallest object that will fit in the light box. Glass and frames are NOT ALLOWED. Prints should have the maker’s name, title and indication of the UP direction on the back of the print. The minimum print size is 8” x 10”.” To keep prints comfortably within the light box, the 26″ size includes the mount/matt. So that judges can easily see prints, the minimum size of 8″ x 10″ is the size of the exposed print itself, without the mount/matt (of course not to exceed 26″ in height).

Here’s looking forward to another great year for Flatirons Photo Club!

Thomas Walsh, Flatirons Photo Club President

February 14, 2013-Photoshop Composites with Karen Divine

The iPhone is not only a powerful tool for documenting your life through single imagery, but also an excellent means of creating stunning composite images. Karen has been a photographer for 40 years, compositing in Photoshop for 13 years she now transfers this process using the iphone. She will begin with her Photoshop Composites and carry you up to today’s work with the Iphone.

Karen Divine was first introduced to photography in the early 1970’s and went on to study painting, drawing, and alternative photographic processes. While she finds that creating a beautiful single image is crucial to being a fine-art photographer, it is the multi-image that speaks to her heart. She has won numerous awards from international organizations, including the 2011 Discovery of the Year Nominee from International Photography Awards(NYC), the Julia Margaret Cameron Award for Women Photographers, the Prix de la Photographie Gold Award, and a first place WPGA Pollux Award. Karen was one of four photographers selected for eyephoneography #3 (eyephoneography is a project of exhibits and activities around mobile photography touring Spain in 2013.) Her web site is www.karendivinephotography.com.

January 10, 2013 Program-The Art of Creating A Powerful Image, Dan Ballard

In this exciting presentation Dan Ballard will share his thoughts and techniques on creating inspired and powerful images from conception to print. Based around the idea of “shooting like painter” Dan will explain his process for finding and creating his images. Dan will showcase images from his travels around the world and the U.S. as examples.
Internationally known photographer Dan Ballard will be presenting on January 10th! Dan speaks around the word at trade shows, symposiums and workshops to rave reviews and just returned from a speaking event in Moscow. This high energy presentation will take you though Dan’s thought process and methods for finding and creating powerful photographs. BlackRapid and ThinkTank are officially sponsoring this event and Dan will be raffling off gear from each. Don’t miss it!

Special Topics 2013

Introducing the Special Topics for 2013. Let the creativity continue!  Enjoy!

January- Weather






July-No Meeting

August-No Meeting

September-Member Show


November-Wabi Sabi (defined as the beauty in things imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete. It is a beauty of things modest and humble. It is a beauty of things unconventional – we will provide some examples)

December- Year-end Competition

2012 Annual Competition Results

November Competition Results