Category Archives: Uncategorized
Monthly Meeting Change of Venue
Gary Fifer, Flatirons Photo Club’s primary contact at Har Hashem, has changed our meeting venue back to the location where we met for a number of months after we started to gather at Har Hashem. Rather than going to the building closest to Baseline, continue south through the parking lot (you’re headed south when you turn off of Baseline). We will meet in the building that you will see on your right in a couple hundred feet or so. Use the parking lot just beyond and adjacent to this building and enter through the door on the right side.
Forney Museum offers club shooting of antique cars on Saturdays
To Whom It May Concern:
I wanted to let you know of another photography opportunity that I thought some of your participants/members might be interested in! The Forney Museum of Transportation does a Photography Club Session one Saturday a month.
The Saturday is intended to give photographers time to take behind the scenes pictures of our antique cars. By coming on the special Photo Club day you are allowed to get up close to the cars, behind the ropes.
All we ask for the Photo Club Saturdays is that if these photos are taken for commercial reasons they are given attribution on the photo or in the caption to the Forney Museum.
All we ask is that you call to RSVP for the event, just so we know how many people are planning on coming, and then you can pay upon arrival. Currently it is $20 non-members, $15 members, but we are thinking of changing it to $15 non-members, $10 members.
The remaining dates for this event are: 3/1, 4/5, 5/3, 6/7, 7/5, 8/2, 9/6, 10/4, 11/1, and 12/6. The time of the club is 8 a.m.-10 a.m. before the museum opens.
Please let me know if you have any further questions!
We hope to see you at a Photography Club Saturday!
Caitlin Barrett
Event & Education Coordinator
Forney Museum of Transportation
4303 Brighton Blvd.
Denver, Co 80216
fax 303-297-3113
Special Topics-2014
July & August-Summer Break
September-Member Show
December-Year-End Competition
Photography for a Change Opening Reception Jan. 12 at eTown
Photography for a Change is pleased to announce an opening reception for a print show in the eTown Gallery, 1535 Spruce, Boulder 80302 on Jan. 12 starting at 6:30 p.m. (note time change). Photographs from Dan Baumbach, David Silver Bryce Bradford, Alan Bogart, and Dana Bove. Snacks provided and cash bar.
RSVPs appreciated: email Dana Bove at [email protected].
More info at:
Special Topics-2014
July & August-Summer Break
September-Member Show
December-Year-End Competition
Flatirons Photo Club secretary position is open
The Flatirons Photo Club is seeking candidates for the position of club secretary. If you are interested in the position, contact club President Tom Walsh.
Duties include: A. Act as corresponding secretary for any and all emails received by the club email account, and responses thereto. B. Act as recording secretary at club meetings, including but not limited to: 1. votes taken and results; 2. competition winners and awards; 3. items of general interest (for the newsletter). C. Send meeting notices by email to all paid members. D. Send meeting notices to all guests/visitors/interested persons. E. Respond to requests for information about the club and add all interested people to the club email list under the category Guest/Visitor. F. Send emails of special announcements - as directed by the President (e.g. change of meeting location, date, or time).
September 12, 2013 Meeting: Member Show
Please join us for the 2013 FPC Member Show. It will be an exciting evening providing a glimpse into the various approaches that our members display to photography. Each of 9 members will have 10 minutes to present a slide show of their recent work and answer a few questions. We look forward to the following presentations:
Here is the list of member presenters who are having slide shows in September:
•Russ & Gail Dohrmann
•Maria Rosa Fuste
•Dan Joder
•Jim Downes
•Cary Wolfson (probably)
•Dana Bove
•Bruce Henderson
•Thomas Walsh
. Peter Baudurian
Photography for a Change
Dear Boulder photographers,
Photography for a Change is pleased to announce the launch of our first online photo show at Our show will be supporting two great Boulder non-profits: Western Resource Advocates and Bridge House, proponents of our environment and its people.
Photography for a Change, which is generously brought to you by 3 local and one guest photographer, will donate ALL profits from prints that are available on our website. Our first show features Dan Baumbach, Bryce Bradford, Lee Sie, and Dana Bove. Our next show is almost filled, but is open for submissions. We are generating a strong following and are putting an enormous effort into marketing. Please check out our website, I think it is quite nice. All image rights remain with the photographer, and are only available for printing during the 2 month show duration.
We also have a Facebook page ( where new images from each of the photographers are posted nearly every day. New shows will be appearing every two months on our website, and will feature a new lineup of talented photographers. Our images display our love for the natural world and many showcase Boulder and the surrounding area.
This is a nice opportunity for Boulder photographers to get more exposure, pitch in for two great local non-profits, and join some other very talented folks. I bow out after the first show, but welcome entries from all those that are interested. Check out the other 3 photographers in our first show, I think you will find their talent to be among some of the best around these parts.
Dana Bove
Prints submitted to club competitions
This post is a reminder of the size limits on prints entered into the monthly and year-end photo club competitions. During the last few months, several entries may have been larger than the size limit set in the competition guidelines. No measurements were taken, so this might in fact not have been the case. The board has discussed the matter, however, and, due to concerns that sizes greater than the set limits might give entries a greater impact than smaller photos, in the future prints that are not within the allowed limits will not be entered into competition.
Please note the club’s guidelines for print sizes: “26 inches is the tallest object that will fit in the light box. Glass and frames are NOT ALLOWED. Prints should have the maker’s name, title and indication of the UP direction on the back of the print. The minimum print size is 8” x 10”.” To keep prints comfortably within the light box, the 26″ size includes the mount/matt. So that judges can easily see prints, the minimum size of 8″ x 10″ is the size of the exposed print itself, without the mount/matt (of course not to exceed 26″ in height).
Here’s looking forward to another great year for Flatirons Photo Club!
Thomas Walsh, Flatirons Photo Club President