Category Archives: Monthly Programs

2012 Special Topics

Our new Vice-President and Program Chair, Ginger Zukowski, has prepared the following list of special topics for 2012. Have at ’em with gusto.

January- Holiday Lights

February: Boulder Landmarks (natural and manmade)

March: Flora

April: Eyes

May: Storms

June: Architectural Detail

July: No Meeting

August: No Meeting

September: Members’ Slide Shows

October: Landscapes

November: Environmental Portraits

December: Year-end Competition

January 2012 Special Topic

Though Christmas has passed, most holiday lights remain with the approach of the New Year. Our January 2012 competition special topic is “Holiday Lights.” This should be a lot of fun, given the numerous displays of color, but a challenge as well due to contrast issues.

Let’s see what we can do.

8 December, 2011, Annual Year End Members’ Competition

The last meeting of 2011 is the annual year end members’ competition. Check out the club web site for the categories and entry rules. Members are requested to bring a goodie to share to celebrate the holiday season and another successful year of the Flatirons Photo Club.

Our President, Thomas Walsh, has arranged for a 3 judge panel to judge the year end competition. This year the judges will be Mark Allison (wedding, glamour, portrait photographer), Russ Croop (digital artist), Glenn Randall (landscape nature photographer). At the year end competition 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place ribbons are awarded in each of 5 categories – 1) Digital Realism),  2) Color Print Realism, 3) Digital Special Effects, 4) Print Special Effects, and 5) Print B&W-Monochrome. Honorable Mention ribbons are awarded as the judges see fit.

10 November 2011, Creative Photography, Kelly McCormack

Kelly McCormack will present a program on the techniques and processes used in creative photography. Kelly McCormack is an artist, web designer, and teacher (independent Adobe Certified Instructor, instructor at Boulder Digital Arts and RealEyes Connect, adjunct faculty member at the Art Institute of Colorado). From Chicago, Kelly earned an undergraduate degree in Fine Art at the University of Wisconsin – Madison in 1997. Kelly now resides in Boulder, Colorado, with his wife Alexa. To be inspired have a look at some of Kelly’s creative work at

13 October 2011, Designing Nature Photographs

We are excited to have local professional photographer and author Nat
Coalson as our speaker for the October meeting. Nat was one of our
judges at the year end competition in 2010. Nat will discuss methods
for effective photographic design and techniques for creating
compelling photographs in the outdoors. He is the author of four
photography-related books including “Nature Photography Photo
Workshop” and “Lightroom: Streamlining your Digital Photography
Process” published by Wiley. (Nat will have copies of his Nature
Photography books available for purchase at the discounted price of
$20.) Nat is a also a top-rated instructor and offers photo workshops,
tours and classes. Check out his web site at  We look forward to hearing about the
creative process he uses to achieve his outstanding images!

September 8, 2011, Member’s Slide Shows, by Flatirons Photo Club Members

Mark your calendar for this program of eight slide shows presented by members of Flatirons Photo Club. Signed up to present digital slide shows are: Chris Bales, Charlie Anderson, Cary Wolfson, Jim Downs, Thomas Walsh, Richard Holmes, Maria Rosa Fuste’, and one person yet to be announced. Each presenter will have a maximum of 10 min. allocated for their themed slide show. This will include the introduction, the slide show, and questions and answers at the end. It is always exciting to see the varied work produced by the club’s members.

June 9, 2011 Program – “Optical Extractions”, Jim Digby

The speaker this month is Jim Digby from Loveland, CO. His program titled Optical Extractions is designed to show how to get the most out of any given image. His program will feature an illustrated tour of his photographic methods, techniques and philosophy, as well as mentions of his mentors and heroes. Jim does not specialize in any given subject matter or genre of photography. His philosophy is that almost anything in the right light becomes interesting. You will see every thing from flowers to old buildings and maybe an abstract or two utilizing the latest digital editing and post processing techniques.

May 12, 2011 Program, “Images From The Soul”, Jeff Johnson

Jeff Johnson presents “Images From The Soul”.  Many times photographers look at photographs in a fine art gallery and walk away thinking they will never be able to create images like that. So not true! “Images From The Soul” was designed to show you how I create my unique signature fine art pieces. This short program will include a before and after presentation of my imagery that will quickly show you how you too can create works of art. I will then talk about a select few images and how they were created. Bring your questions and an open-mind. Please enjoy my imagery at

Having been a professional photographer for over 33 years Jeff has earned the PPA Degrees of Master of Photography, Photographic Craftsman and Certified Professional Photographer. Jeff has also been honored with three Fellowship Degrees from the Professional Photographers of Colorado. He was named Master Photographer of the Year in 2006, 2010 & 2011. He received the prestigious PPA National Award in 2011 for his continuous contribution and service to the photography industry. Jeff has also been honored by several Loan Collection selections thru PPA.


April 14, 2011 Program – Painting with Light, Scott Carlin

Scott Carlin will present a program on night photography and painting with light, with an emphasis on experimentation and the evolution of the creative path, as well as some tips, tools, and techniques for light painting and shooting in remote locations at night.

Scott has been a life-long artist, and channels his knowledge of different creative disciplines into his black and white photography, to create images that convey a vast range of feeling, from the whimsical, to the beautifully mysterious, to the downright eerie.

Scott has a solo show opening April 1st at Anthology Fine Art Gallery in the Santa Fe Arts District in Denver. His work is collected and exhibited locally, nationally, and internationally, and has been published in B&W Magazine, CameraArts, Annahar Newspaper (Beirut), and published on websites such as and To view some of Scott’s images visit his gallery at:

March 10, 2011 Program – Creative Photography of Italy, Jim DeLutes

Jim DeLutes will present a program on how traveling to Italy resulted in some very creative images. Jim is a long time professional photographer who has participated in numerous art shows over the years. He was recently a featured photographer in Photoshop User Magazine. This year his photographic images have appeared in three separate issues of Color Magazine. He has developed techniques to create interesting photographs of what might otherwise be considered ordinary subjects. To see some of his work visit his web site at